среда, 16 июля 2008 г.

Batesonian analysis of value hierarchies and the transformation of Russia

Kybernetes Volume 36
Issue 7/8 2007
(1) Still not paradigmatic. Georg Ivanovas (pp. 847-851) Keywords: Arts, Complexity theory, Cybernetics, Epistemology, Sciences
(2) Adaptation, acclimation, addiction, remedy, etc. Gregory Bateson (pp. 855-858) Keywords: Adaptability, Addiction, Cybernetics, Design, Evolution
(3) Bateson's cybernetics: the basis of MRI brief therapy: prologue. Wendel A. Ray (pp. 859-870) Keywords: Control, Cybernetics, Structural analysis
(4) The influence of Gregory Bateson: legacy or vestige? Frank N. Thomas, Rebekah A. Waits, Gail L. Hartsfield (pp. 871-883) Keywords: Cybernetics, Literature, Psychology
(5) Batesonian epistemology, Bushman n/om-kxaosi, and rock art. Bradford Keeney (pp. 884-904) Keywords: Cybernetics, Epistemology
(6) Toward Batesonian sociocybernetics: from Naven to the mind beyond the skin. Phillip Guddemi (pp. 905-914) Keywords: Social anthropology, Sociocybernetics
(7) Gregory Bateson in contemporary cross-cultural systemic psychotherapy. Inga-Britt Krause (pp. 915-925) Keywords: Cross-cultural studies, Cybernetics, Social anthropology, Systems theory
(8) Caught in the middle of a double-bind: the application of non-ordinary logic to therapy. Giorgio Nardone, Claudette Portelli (pp. 926-931) Keywords: Cybernetics, Logic, Problem solving
(9) Practicising psychotherapy employing Gregory Bateson's epistemological models. Giovanni Madonna (pp. 932-935) Keywords: Cybernetics, Psychology
(10) Towards aesthetic seduction using emotional engagement and stories. Andy Bilson, David Thorpe (pp. 936-945) Keywords: Change management, Cybernetics, Storytelling
(11) Still disturbing. Martin Rudolph (pp. 946-948) Keywords: Cybernetics, Problem solving, Social services
(12) Struggling for a Russian Bateson. Dmitry Fedotov (pp. 949-955) Keywords: Cybernetics, Literature, Russia
(13) Batesonian analysis of value hierarchies and the transformation of Russia Pavel Luksha, Anatoly Tkachev (pp. 956-971) Keywords: Cybernetics, Russia, Social anthropology
(14) Human robustness and conscious purpose in contemporary medicine. Georg Ivanovas, Vlassis Tomaras, Vasiliki Papadioti, Nikolaos Paritsis (pp. 972-984) Keywords: Adaptability, Learning
(15) Reflections on learning and addiction: porpoises and palm trees. Gregory Bateson (pp. 985-999) Keywords: Addiction, Cybernetics, Learning
(16) “The logical categories of learning and communication”: reconsidered from a polycontextural point of view: Learning in machines and living systems. Eberhard von Goldammer, Joachim Paul (pp. 1000-1011) Keywords: Cybernetics, Learning
(17) Looking for “scientific” social science: The Macy Conferences on Cybernetics in Bateson's itinerary. Leone Montagnini (pp. 1012-1021) Keywords: Cybernetics, Social processes
(18) The two beginnings of communication theory. Wolfram Lutterer (pp. 1022-1025) Keywords: Communication, Cybernetics
(19) Legacy: lessons from the Bateson team meetings. Wendel A. Ray, Molly R. Govener (pp. 1026-1036) Keywords: Communication, Cybernetics, Language, Learning
(20) Language games and (hi)stories: Wittgenstein, Bateson and Schapp on the role of language in therapy. Hans Rudi Fischer (pp. 1037-1046) Keywords: Cognition, Cybernetics, Grammar, Language
(21) Second thoughts on Gregory Bateson and Alfred Korzybski. Hans Günter Holl (pp. 1047-1054) Keywords: Cybernetics, Identification, Logic
(22) Primary natural relationship: Bateson, Rosen, and the Vedas. John J. Kineman, K. Anil Kumar (pp. 1055-1069) Keywords: Communication, Complexity theory, Cybernetics
(23) Toward a science of metapatterns: building upon Bateson's foundation. Tyler Volk, Jeffrey W. Bloom, John Richards (pp. 1070-1080) Keywords: Cybernetics, Sciences, Systems theory
(24) Choreography: a pattern language. Michael Klien (pp. 1081-1088) Keywords: Arts, Brain, Cybernetics, Psychology
(25) How G. Bateson informs dogs. Rolf Todesco (pp. 1089-1097) Keywords: Communication, Cybernetics, Structural analysis
(26) Metalogue: “less than one and more than two: developing a partiality for whole(some)ness”. Vincent Kenny, Laura Scarino (pp. 1100-1105) Keywords: Children (kinship), Cybernetics, Psychology
(27) How to understand giants? Lucas Marian Pawlik (pp. 1106-1112) Keywords: Cybernetics, Heritage, Knowledge management, Research
(28) Fictional communication: developing Gregory Bateson's “Theory of Play and Fantasy”. Christine Angela Knoop (pp. 1113-1121) Keywords: Communication, Cybernetics, Imagination, Reading
(29) Bateson and the Arts. Stephen Nachmanovitch (pp. 1122-1133) Keywords: Art, Bateson, Cybernetics, Poetry, Seeing systems
(30) What would Bateson's work look like today?: Inside one of the world's most violent nations, now a model for peacemaking and sustainability. Gordon Feller (pp. 1134-1140) Keywords: Cybernetics, Psychology
(31) Slippery rigor. Nora Bateson (pp. 1141-1142) Keywords: Cybernetics, Literature

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